Monday, September 08, 2008


Kelly is making BLTs tonight for dinner and apparently needed to run to the store (didn't even know she left the house) till this little fella and all his friends in the house started chirping. Yep the bacon started burning and set off the fire alarms.

I can honestly say we are safe if we ever have a fire there is no way I could sleep threw that barrage of noise!

and you ask how was the bacon...perfect not even burnt...


Anonymous said...

The bacon does look perfect. h

Jake said...

BLT's are the best. So, I assume you're enjoying these while watching the Vikes whoop the Packs?

Cute kid too

mommak said...

in "the wife's" defense - my trip to the store was to get MORE bacon so you could make your "perfect" BBBLT sandwich - that is a BLT with 3 x's the "normal" bacon - but I still love you and I know you love my top the tater! :)