Saturday, September 20, 2008

I am bad at surprises...

I really stink when it comes to christmas and birthdays ask my wife...I always buy the gift and then give it a day later cause I hate lying and holding things here is the answer to the question I poised yesterday!

I got blessed with two...not one but two motorcycles yesterday!

One will be bobbed and the other will be chopped! I am so stinking excited! As I get time I will post pics...but for now just be blessed with me!



Jake said...

WOW oh WOW oh me oh my!!

I am soooooooo happy for you!!! I am going to take your testimony and make it my own.

I so want a chopper, or any two wheeler.

Cangrats dude. Is the Mrs. just as stoked as you?

suddenfire said...

Thanks man...and yes she is!!!

all i have to say is this "God gives you the desires of your heart", if we don't quit in due season we will reap if we faint not"!

God is faithful!