Saturday, October 04, 2008

Going for a ride...

yep I leave here in about 45 minutes (8:15) to go for a ride today and it is 33 degrees out right you ask are you NUTS...nope just love riding and know how to dress for it!


Jake said...

I'm guessing you have some nice gloves too? My friend said riding is rather comfy until about 50 degrees. Anything below that determines your passion for riding (and obviously like you, your knowledge of dressing for it)!

suddenfire said...

yeah gloves are a big item but it really comes down to keeping dry. what i mean is if you can stay dry then you will stay warm...have to remember wherever water gets in air gets in and vise verse.

so the big goal on cold days is the same on wet days keep the air off you!

Anonymous said...

Wow this has become quite the passion with you Fred!!! I would say it's midlife crisis or something but you aren't quite old enough for that. Unless you're an early bloomer... :)

Anonymous said...

Went out for a ride in the beautiful Ozarks yesterday afternoon in a tshirt. Ya shoulda been there Fred.

suddenfire said...

hey PK that sounds awesome I will admit nice weather is a whole lot easier to ride in. The colors up here have started to change so i am looking to take Kelly with me this coming weekend or the next!