Monday, May 19, 2008

Had a great ride down to Arkansas with a couple of friends Caps (lance), Chef (paul), and Sassage (Josh). As well as the crew we met at the HUB in Dog Patch...yes there is a place with such a name. Took Thursday 5.15.08 to ride to KC and the boys went out for Blues and Bar-b-Que and i went to my sisters house and hung out with the girls...good times!

Friday 5.14.08 we took our time getting into AR and went on some fun rodes (the stuff I grew up on)...then went to Crawdad Days in Harrison.

Sat. 5.15.08 great day riding around the Ozarks

Sun. 5.16.08 busted it home...Josh left us in KC and we made the rest of the trip home!

1869 miles round trip, used 49 gallons of gas (cost 175.74 not to shabby for that many miles!) which comes out to 38 miles to the gallon...not bad for an overall average!

Spent 32 hours and 1 minute moving...yes i am a dork but that is some of the info the GPS gives you i will resist the urge to post the rest.

For more pics go here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wish you could have stopped by and said "Hi!" that would have been fun!